Saturday, September 27, 2008

Focus Shrugged

I am posting this because I feel I have been neglecting you. I am sorry for that. I have had some hell for a life recently. Not that that excuses my behavior. Let me update you on my friends. Ralph is just fine. I walked home with him the other day and that made it go faster. Aurora has been annoying but sweet as always. Trudie has been truly amazing and she and I are really getting closer. Camilla is wonderful I have tons of classes with her. She continues to inspire me and keep me on my toes. Edward is off at college I don't really hear much from him. Mia is back in town on a soccer scholarship at a local community college. She didn't want to sing after all. She went through a lot but is a much happier and well rounded person now. Elle is at an artistic high school and I believe loving every minute of it. Lucy is just as hilarious as ever and is in the school play with me. And Eva... well Eva is Eva. She is my light, my strenght, my encouragement, my deciding voice. So that is all I have to say. I must now venture into the world of AP Chem.

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